Jonny Taulen
Delta adds Wallet Connection based on the chains, we have a Wallet connection for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Avalanche, Solana etc etc
If you add your public address, it will import all transactions, regardless of what software it comes from.
We do not add them based on the brand name like Exodus, Phantom, Ledger, Coinbase Wallet etc etc
If there is a chain we are missing, feel free to search for that and upvote, or request it yourself if there is no request already !
Thanks for helping make Delta better by requesting and upvoting here :)
Jonny Taulen
Merged in a post:
Exodus, Trust, Metamask
Matthew Hansen
I need these three wallet please.
Jonny Taulen
Merged in a post:
Jonny Taulen
Merged in a post:
Jeff Tomassacci
This would make my day. I use the Exodus wallet all the time as well as delta. Both are wonderful but they don't communicate together yet.
Djordje Gvozdenovic
Is this a roadmap item with any timeframe please? I'm seeing asks from 2 yrs ago on this.
Djordje Gvozdenovic
same - please add OOTB support for exodus
Mark B
I was very disappointed to learn exodus wasnt supported yet... Especially after signing up for pro...
Christopher Jimenez
please add support for Exodus, its a very popular wallet
Jeroen Mulder
Please add Exodus Wallet
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