Tezos (XTZ)
Kevin Peyton
Please add tezos.
Another vote for Tezos
Akshay Petta
Would be great to see this added!
Luca Favali
please tezos wallet <3
Another vote for XTZ here. A nice heuristic of when to add support for blockchains/wallets might be to add support for it if it's been in the top 20 total market cap for X amount of weeks. Tezos has been there for a long time now was in even in the top 10 for a good 2 months.
Any time estimate as to when Tezos will be supported.
Frank W
This is stopping my purchase, surprised this is not supported yet given baking of Tezos
Marciano Sahu
Pls add this!! Could really use this!
giovanni sardelli
I need support too.
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