Dividends and payment options
Swithin Donelly
I notice that the dividends are showing in the activity. Can we have a section showing dividends received by day month and year . Can we have upcoming dividends in a schedule showing amounts to be received based on shares. I want to take the pro version but i want to pay monthly. Can we also i categories like basic free, essential (paid) premium (paid) pro paid. I advise more customers will join if there are cheaper monthly paid options. The app is very good we just need more payment options. Plus dividends is a great function. This app will be great.
Kina D
Add a category button for dividends for quick access to all dividend information (ex date, payout amounts, annual totals, projected future income, etc) all in one location.
Luke Swift
Ability to calculate auto reinvested dividends
James from Delta
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Deduct Withholding Tax from Dividends
James from Delta
The ability to deduct withholding tax from dividends received
James from Delta
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Dividend Prediction/Calendar
James from Delta
Show forecast/upcoming stock dividends
James from Delta
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Dividents tracking!!!!
you will never die
it would be nice to have separate section in "portfolio insights", where we can see when and how much divedients we ve received over time, total dividents, etc
James from Delta
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PORTFOLIO dividend yielding information!
PORTFOLIO dividend yielding information!
James Dinniss
Also a look ahead at dividends to show expected dividend income. This tool is available in another tool i have used called portseido
Sam G
I would definitely make delta my main app and pay for it if there were more dividends insights like the apps like Stock Events and DivTracker.
Having an estimate of the following of 12 month of dividends, last year dividends with current number of stocks.
And also, some insight of how many stocks have growing or shrinking dividends.
So many possibilities with dividends. I would definitely subscribe for PRO if there was such info.
Sam G
I would definitely make delta my main app and pay for it if there were more dividends insights like the apps like Stock Events and DivTracker.
Having an estimate of the following of 12 month of dividends, last year dividends with current number of stocks.
And also, some insight of how many stocks have growing or shrinking dividends.
So many possibilities with dividends. I would definitely subscribe for PRO if there was such info.
Basically I would like to know how much dividend my Portfolio yielding in percentage per year. Something like in the attached image.
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