Notification shortcut from Potfolio tab
Post the new update for the mobile app, the “Notifications” can now only be accessed by first navigating to the “Home” screen and then tapping on the “Notifications” button.
Previously, we had “Notifications” as the 5th tab item, now replaced with “Following”.
Suggestion: Ability to have the “Notifications” tab where it was (the 5th item) OR have a “Notifications” shortcut from within the “Portfolio” screen.
I am someone who has been using Delta for quite a long time now, and my muscle memory still gets me to tap on the last tab to view all notifications. I understand it would be difficult to have a conditional 5th tab item, depending on a user setting. Hence, the next best thing would be to have a shortcut from within the “Portfolio” tab itself.
Its taken me a week to get Canny to work to allow me to login. This notification tab being moved is stressing me out. I get red notifications all the time and I want to be able to mark them as ‘read’ as soon as possible. You now have to mess about clicking all over the place to do so. We need to go back to before or at least give us an easy way to access it so we can clear them down with one push of a button
Agreed 100% - please put the notification button back where it was!